The Spot
This spot sits at the top of the hill on the south east corner of the campus and is quite close to the Willows Weeping hammock spot. Here you will find two grand trees rising to the sky like two strong pillars… (insert Samson joke here). From here you get a fantastic view of the back field — it almost looks like a golf course!
There are two great benefits of this spot being up on top of the hill, you get the great view and you don’t have to walk up that big hill on the way back!
The Hang
This hang is very straight forward — two trees that are the perfect distance apart — just hang your hammock straps and you are good-to-go! The only catch to this location is that the trees are quite large around — you may need longer straps to hang here. Both the Tree Slings and Python Straps (links here) would work just fine here.